Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How my life has been changing.

My life has been changing recently. So, I want to post about it.

I've been reading Encyclopedia Brown. I have the first four books.

For Christmas I got a 3DS. It was from Christmas part two because I spent Christmas in California. I also got this game called Skylanders. It rocks.

My life at school has been getting harder because problems are getting hard, but my friend is a really smart person and he says that I've been getting smarter. His name is Mason and we sit near each other (not next to each other) and we are good friends.

We're starting to do subtraction AND addition that's really hard. Mason knows multiplication already. He basically finishes first, so I call him "The Great Mason." I finish usually fourth or fifth. I think I'm getting close to multiplication at school.

That's all that's been happening this month.

So, next post: either a Fastboy post or another "about my life" post. I'll think about it over the week.


  1. I love every post you write, Sam! This is a great one because I love hearing about your life. You are a very smart boy. I'm glad you are working hard on the things that are difficult for you, because working hard is just as important as being smart!

  2. Dear Sam,
    This is a great post! I like hearing about what you are learning in school, and about how smart you are. But I already knew the part about you being very smart. Keep practicing the math and soon we will be calling you "The Great Sam." Love you buddy!

  3. Our Dearest Sam:

    We miss you sooooooo much! Thanks for writing in your blog so we can follow what is happening in your life! Next time you see us, or when we Skype, we'll have grandpa play math games with you.

    We love you!
    Love, Grandpa Marty and Grandma Peggy

  4. Dear Sam:

    Happy 8th Birthday! We love you more than anything on earth.

    Love, Gramps and Grammie C.
